Decisions Decisions!

Being a parent is full of decisions. Some of them are huge and some of them are small. Today we are making a medium type decision. 

In recent weeks our 13 month old little Snowflake has been very opposed to sleeping in her crib, so we have been experimenting, and we put her mattress on the floor. She loved it! For the most part she has behaved quite well. She stayed on her bed! Even in the mornings when awake, she would just sit up and get my attention. 

Yet, 13 months seems young to be already converting the crib to a toddler bed, especially since she isn’t walking yet! On the other hand, if she behaves, is more comfortable and is safe, shouldn’t that be what helps make the decision?

Like I said above, parenting is full of decisions. Some of them we will nail and get totally right, and there will be times when my hubby and I make the wrong decision. It is part of being imperfect parents. We just pray that we stay focused on God and that the mistakes are minimal. 

(As I type this I have a “helper” trying to add in her 2 cents! I can’t wait till my hubby finishes the built in desk). 

Today’s cup of joy is the blessing of our little Snowflake and knowing that God has entrusted her care to us. WOW! 



True Friendship

Friends are an amazing asset. They help us celebrate the fun times, the milestones the changing of the seasons. Friends can encourage us to meet our goals, to improve in our walks with Christ, to grow and develop. Friends can also help us through the hard times. They can jump start our cars, go for walks with us, be sounding boards when Billy Bob and Sally Jo are misbehaving. Friends can comfort us through a loss or personal trial.

Every person needs a few tight, lifetime, loyal, tried and true friends. Yet, so many of us get caught up in surrounding ourselves with people, and people are not always going to be tried an true. A person may claim to be your friend, but actions speak louder than words. Are they really there for you? Do they want you in their lives? Or, are they just in it for appearances. Shallow end people are not really friends. They will not be there for ya the way that you need.

It is ok to have a lot of acquaintances. Knowing people is good! It means you are leaving your mark on the world, and if you are following God’s direction, it will be a good mark. Yet, it is also ok to set boundaries and not let the shallow people into the deepness of your life. They don’t want to be there! They don’t know what they are missing.

If we were all honest we’d admit that we probably are not the easiest to live with. There are things about us that will get on people’s nerves. Yet, the true friends, the ones that deserve to be called friends, will love you for you– they will help you grow, but they will love you!

Today, as we are less than two weeks from Valentine’s Day let’s celebrate those in our lives that are our true friends.


“There are friends that pretend to be friends, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”  Proverbs 18:24 (RSV)
